Democracies deemed to be doomed?

Cold War 1.0 was not only about two major powers, USA and USSR, but also about their ideologies of influence. After World War 2, many new states formed or got independent, and their fate was decided by these global powers. The best example we could see in history was the Korean War in 1950. Where South Korea was USA’s democracy, and North Korea was USSR’s autocracy. The USA becoming a might exhibited the world how powerful democracies can become. In contrast, the fall of the USSR left a question, “Are democracies the only way to prosper?”.

Graham Allison’s “Destined for War” Book Cover

1991 saw the fall of Soviet ideology, but Communist China was emerging expeditiously, focusing its red eyes on global trade and exacting the USA’s hegemony.

Therefore, democracies are not the only way to develop. Human Rights still remain a prime issue in Authoritarian and Hybrid regimes, but sometimes it may end as a better developing of a country’s GDP like Middle East.
It is not only related to development or the country’s economy, but also the political leadership. After the fall of the USSR, democratic leaders from the USA and Europe enjoyed soft power over third-world countries. However, Putin’s arrival in world geopolitics gashed the USA and its partners.

Around the same time, China’s GDP was showing signs of boom. While Mao focused on capturing land and making China a global military power. The arrival of Deng Xiaoping transformed China’s market from previous Maoist policies to a new form of Capitalism. Yes, the Capitalism of China was different from what the West believed. China ranks second in the world’s GDP and will replace the USA soon at the top. So, my question at the very first “Are democracies the only way to prosper?”, is a simple No and the Communist China has proved it.

The debate of democracies vs dictators is a hot topic in this Cold War 2.0, where the USA seeks to control the globe with its democratic agenda. China, an emerging power, wants to turn the table with its hybrid authoritarian policies with support from Russia and like-minded. Leaders now don’t want to be under the limelight of America’s feet, whether it is MBS (from Saudi Arabia) or Erdogan (from Turkiye), which in the past have been aligned with US policies. 

(Osaka – Japan, 06/28/2019) President of the Republic, Jair Bolsonaro, during a family photo of the BRICS Leaders. Photo: Alan Santos / PR

After Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the powers from Asia, Africa, and South America don’t want the powers of Europe, the USA, and its allies to control global markets. De-dollarization is discussed among BRICS and SCO countries and more countries want to be a part of such groups. But still, the dominance of the Dollar won’t be gone soon however hard the countries try. So there’s a confusing side, you might think countries may group according to Democracy vs Autocracy. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine divided the world more than ever, now dominance matters more than just ideologies. You’ll see democracies like India, Brazil, and South Africa grouping closely with Russia, China, and Iran. Or autocracies like Azerbaijan engaging more with EU partners for their energy utilization.

So, I am not keeping it long, there’s a twist in some recent years for the Democracies in the world. While Myanmar’s democracy was gone in a day after the takeover by the military junta. The USA in 2021 witnessed the January 6 Capitol Hill event as Black Day for their democracy. Recent clashes between two factions in Brazil over Bolsonaro’s defeat are some of the major events democracies are facing all over the world. Sri Lanka, a small island country, now a bankrupt state is an example of how democracies could fail if handed to corrupt leaders. The path to being a democracy and sustaining it is a challenge in itself. While Autocracies don’t run smoothly either but they are good at managing masses or silencing them, taking examples from Iran (Anti-Hijab protests) or China (Anti-Covid Restriction protests). Here’s a take, now the majority of countries see the future as a multipolar world, which in turn will get more and more complex. United Nations with its World War 2 era mindset is not providing means to stop conflicts and is so fragile. There seems to be no mechanism in the world right now to stop a major war, which we are seeing in the case of the ongoing war in Ukraine. The world must embrace itself for a bigger war, that is coming, and inevitable. The only hope is, that it does not end mankind. Okay, let’s not go there…

So, I started my blog with a question if democracies are dying? And if they are, Autocracy or Dictators are not the best answer to them. So what then? The answer is confounding. Russo-Ukrainian War is almost completing one year, and there’s no winner yet. But many losers, especially humanity. Some strong men, strong governments, and their egos are keeping our lives at stake. Whether it is Democracy or Autocracy, people are struggling. It comes to a point, who struggles less. And for now, I can say that democracies are a bit far from dooming. Nevertheless, the world is changing and evolving, developed countries have attained their peaks, developing countries are giving them challenges, and the underdeveloped world is viewing and facing chaos. Let’s see where this next decade takes us, cause the next 7-8 years will be the most consequential years for the World. So, watch out for major geopolitical changes in and around the globe. I will end this blog with a phrase we all be needing for the next roller-coaster decade, “Embrace the Chaos”.

From Mislabeling to Understanding: The True Essence of ‘Dictatorship’ Through History

As you might have gathered from the headline, this blog aims to delve into the true essence of dictatorship. But what does ‘dictatorship’ really mean in today’s world? A quick Google search can give you a definition, but there’s more to the story.

Lately, the term ‘dictator’ has been making headlines globally, and not for positive reasons. However, the origins of the word paint a different picture. Derived from the Latin word ‘dictātor,‘ it originally did not carry the negative connotations it does today. In Roman culture, a dictator was a magistrate granted extensive powers, but only for a limited period and in specific circumstances.

So, how did the meaning evolve over time? Historically, the term was associated with autocracies or monarchies. Now, it’s increasingly being used to describe leaders within various democratic systems around the world. In my best understanding, dictatorship is a concept far more complex than what some YouTube influencers might narrow it down to in their videos. These influencers often dilute the significance of such a powerful word. So, let’s begin with a deep dive into the real essence of dictatorship—starting with the rulebook on how to truly become a dictator.

Let’s get started.

  • Make a stereotypical enemy

So, as a dictator, the first rule is to find someone to blame for all your problems. One person won’t be enough; you need to identify a community. This community might already be powerful or hold key positions where you feel your own supporters are lacking. By directing blame towards this group, you can unify your base through a common enemy. And once you do this, you become the Messiah of your people. Your next step is to elevate this strategy to a national level, ensuring that you can solidify and maintain your grip on power. Does history provide examples of this tactic in action? Absolutely. And our next discussion is about it.

ADOLF HITLER : In the 1920s, following Germany’s defeat in World War I, a man emerged who could not accept this loss. At the time, Jews held significant positions across various institutions in Germany, something that deeply unsettled him. He perceived the Jews as one of the reasons for Germany’s defeat, believing they had betrayed the nation.

An AI-generated image about Holocaust

Hitler knew what needed to be done to unite the country under his vision. This led to the rise of Nazi Germany, which became a formidable force. His intense hatred towards Jews not only fueled his rise to power but also set the stage for his brutal regime. The Holocaust, as we know it today, stands as a horrific testament to what a dictator can achieve when driven by such intense animosity.

  • Show brutal repression

As we move to the second rule, remember that people love freedom, but dictators don’t. In fact, dictators fear any form of freedom that might undermine their power. To maintain control, they resort to repression. This repression doesn’t always mean eliminating people outright; instead, it’s about instilling a fear of death so severe that it deters any dissent or resistance. It’s about creating a state of fear where people are too afraid to even think about defying the regime. This tactic is not just theoretical; history provides us with numerous examples.

SADDAM HUSSEIN : His story is too complex to fully capture in this blog, so I’ll summarize it as best I can. Saddam Hussein knew how to maintain power by consistently countering his enemies. As a Sunni leader in a predominantly Shia Iraq, he was a brutal dictator who targeted not just the minority Kurds but also the Shia majority. This sectarian animosity was one of the reasons behind his attack on Iran, a neighboring country with a Shia majority.

An AI-generated image about Saddam’s Regime

Hailing from the Ba’ath Party (which promoted Arab unity, socialism, and secularism), Saddam sought to spread Ba’athism across the Arab world. What Hitler did during the Holocaust, Saddam mirrored with the Kurds, using mustard gas, a chemical weapon, to devastating effect. These historical examples underscore the second rule of dictatorship: the suppression of freedom through fear and brutality

  • Make Military Dominance

When we think of the military, we usually associate it with national defense, protecting a country from external threats. Unlike the police, which handle internal matters, the military is meant to fight enemies beyond national borders. However, some men use their military might against their own people in the most brutal ways, ultimately becoming dictators.

A common aspiration among dictators is to strengthen their military and become its head, ensuring they are protected from coups. A dictator with sole control over military power is particularly dangerous, as this control often reveals the extent of their cruelty. History provides us with examples of such dictators, including one who, in my opinion, was a psychopath in every sense of the word.

IDI AMIN : Let me introduce you to the ‘Butcher of Uganda,’ a man notorious for his brutality and even rumored cannibalism (act of eating human flesh). Coming from a military background, Amin used the armed forces to seize and maintain power, enforcing his ruthless policies through sheer terror. His brutal tactics and military purges ensured the army’s loyalty, making it a crucial instrument of his dictatorship.

An AI-generated image of a political rally during Idi Amin’s rule.

In the 1970s, Amin became President of Uganda by controlling the military. His reign of terror extended beyond Uganda, instilling fear throughout Africa. One of his infamous actions was expelling around 50,000 Asians from Uganda, believing they were too wealthy and dominated the country. Those he deemed undesirable often faced murder, and it was rumored he would eat their flesh. Amin spared no one, targeting people of all ethnicities, religions, and backgrounds.

His story exemplifies how dictators leverage military power to enforce their will and how absolute control can lead to unimaginable cruelty.

  • Be a Cult of Personality

This is one of the most powerful tools for becoming a dictator, ensuring your reign lasts for ages, or even a lifetime. The method is simple: elevate yourself to the status of a god. Controlling the military, the media, and the minds of your people will solidify your status as a cult figure.

Control the flow of information in and out of the country, glorify yourself with fabricated stories, and repeat this narrative throughout your life. Ensure that every household in your nation has your portrait displayed in some form. And when in doubt, don’t hesitate to eliminate even your loved ones or inner circle to maintain your grip on power.

If you’re following closely, you might already guess which historical figure exemplifies this strategy.

KIM IL SUNG : By writing this, I probably eliminate my chances of ever visiting North Korea. Kim Il Sung, the idealized, heroic, and worshipped founding leader of North Korea, is a prime example of a cult of personality. His presence permeates every aspect of North Korean life—from school books to the walls of houses and shops, and statues in every conceivable place. His reign continues through his descendants, solidifying the dynasty’s control.

An AI-generated image of newspaper from Kim Il Sung regime

Kim Il Sung was a lifetime dictator who ensured everything in the country was controlled by his family. The brutality towards his people is well-known and need not be elaborated here. The key takeaway is that a god-like personality is essential for any dictator to ensure that their people never turn against them

So, I will not make this article very long. To my knowledge, these four factors or tools are the best indicators to determine if someone is a dictator. If they tick all the boxes above, then they might indeed be one. While there may be other factors, these four are essential.

For a more comprehensive view, I recommend reading ‘The Dictator’s Handbook‘ or, for ease, watching ‘How to Become a Tyrant‘ on Netflix. My article provides a brief overview based on these sources.

I never planned to write on this topic, but recent trends on social media, where influencers misuse such a powerful term, prompted me to address it. I believe using the term ‘dictator’ carelessly sends the wrong message when there are other terms that can be used. This article aims to provide basic knowledge, something easily attainable with the right resources and team. I’m not against anyone, but people should be cautious with terms that carry immense weight.

Understanding the essence of dictatorship through historical examples sheds light on the dangers of misusing the term in contemporary discourse. By examining figures like Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Idi Amin, and Kim Il Sung, we see that true dictators share common traits: creating enemies, brutal repression, military dominance, and cultivating a cult of personality. It’s crucial to use such powerful terms accurately and responsibly, ensuring we don’t undermine their significance.

Hope I did my best to shed some light on this issue, and enjoy the freedom you all live in, because if you are reading this, you might not be under a dictator!

Trading for Peace, but Preparing for War: A Closer Look at INSTC and IMEC.

Since October 7th, the world has been witnessing another catastrophic development in the Middle East. Israel and Palestine find themselves in conflict once more, with Hamas terrorists from Gaza initiating the violence, resulting in the tragic loss of innocent lives. In retaliation, Israel has also caused casualties among innocent civilians on the other side. While such conflicts are regrettably not new to the world, with ongoing wars in regions like Russia and Ukraine, or the recent conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh involving Armenia and Azerbaijan. It’s essential to delve deeper into why the recent attack by Hamas on Israel represents not just a struggle for their rights, but a significant geopolitical event that often goes unnoticed. This blog aims to both answer and raise questions about this complex situation. Let’s begin.

In 2023, India took the helm as the host of the G20 summit, marking a significant turning point in international relations. During this summit, a momentous development unfolded, involving India, the United States, the Middle East, and Europe. The parties involved finalized a groundbreaking trade corridor, known as the India Middle East Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC), aimed at strengthening economic development by promoting enhanced connectivity and economic integration between Asia, the Persian Gulf, and Europe. This ambitious project was launched with the goal of fortifying transportation and communication links between Europe and Asia through the establishment of efficient rail and shipping networks. It is widely regarded as the United States’ strategic response to China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

IMEC project discussed route. (Frontline)

As we explore this development, it’s essential for readers to take note of the key players involved, as these will be referred to later in the blog. Of particular significance are Israel and the Arab countries. The inclusion of the United States, despite its considerable distance, is also worth noting. But before we delve into the intricacies of the IMEC, let’s take a brief detour to another corridor, one that sets the stage for our discussion.

Approximately a decade ago, in 2002, the nations of Iran, India, and Russia joined forces to pioneer a sea and land corridor. This corridor was envisioned to provide an alternative gateway to Europe and Asia, diverging from the congested and lengthy Suez route. This pioneering initiative gave birth to what we know today as the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC). It’s important to note that this corridor extends its reach to encompass countries from Central Asia and the South Caucasus.

INSTC project discussed route. (Civildaily)

As we delve deeper into the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC), it becomes evident that the key players involved are distinct from those in the IMEC, and they are often geopolitical rivals. Notably, Iran and Russia serve as the driving forces behind this ambitious venture. This brings us to the heart of our discussion. People often mistakenly assume that religious sentiments alone can escalate into major conflicts, whereas, in reality, they tend to ignite smaller conflicts. The recent clashes between Hamas and Israel, for example, are not solely rooted in religious differences; they are driven by a complex web of factors, and I will elucidate how these factors extend far beyond religious tensions.

In the realm of geopolitics, the driving forces are often rooted in national interests rather than religious sentiments. This reality becomes apparent when we consider the actions of nations like Israel, which supports Azerbaijan, and Iran, which backs Armenia. These geopolitical choices underscore that states prioritize their strategic interests, even if they may share religious or cultural ties with other nations.

So, in the complex landscape of trade corridors, we witness a competition for influence and economic advantages. Notably, arch-rivals Iran and Israel find themselves in a race for trade dominance. Meanwhile, Russia and the USA, another pair of arch-rivals, engage in a parallel competition, further intensified by their evolving dynamics since the Russo-Ukrainian War.

The common thread in this geopolitical chessboard is the desire for easy access to India, a nation renowned as one of the largest economies with a thriving manufacturing and service sector. Both the INSTC and IMEC countries aim to tap into this economic powerhouse.

What’s intriguing is the ripple effect of these developments. Shortly after the announcement of IMEC during the G20 Indian summit, reports emerged of a potential normalization of relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia. Israel seeks Arab support to bolster its global standing, showcasing solidarity within the Islamic world. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia is keen on diversifying its economy beyond oil, thus fostering this alliance. The United States has played a mediating role, just as China recently brokered ties between Iran and Saudi Arabia.

Saudi, China and Iran officials after a peace deal (New York Times)

Iran and Russia are witnessing what they consider a significant strategic setback, making it challenging for them to accept the IMEC project and the normalization of relations between Arab countries and Israel. Hamas, which often receives support from Iran and its covert networks, played a crucial role in recent events. There have been reports suggesting that Iran provided assistance to Russia during a critical juncture, supplying drones and ammunition.

While Hamas cited Israel’s actions in Jerusalem and at the Al-Aqsa Mosque to justify their recent attack, it’s essential to consider the timing. Israel’s actions in this regard have been ongoing for several years, yet Iran-backed Hamas chose this moment for a particularly deadly attack on Israelis. Their intent appears to be provoking a severe Israeli response to garner global attention and portray Jews as antagonistic towards Palestinians and their land. This tactic has seen some success. Moreover, it has pushed Arab nations, especially Saudi Arabia, further away from pursuing peace deals with Israel.

Amid these complex geopolitical developments, American and European leaders are making frequent visits to Israel. Their primary goal is to prevent yet another conflict erupting in the already volatile Middle East. Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s current Prime Minister, known for his staunch nationalistic views that significantly influence his politics, is advocating for an Israeli ground operation in Northern Gaza to assert control. However, such an operation would likely result in a tragic loss of life, affecting both Palestinians and Israeli soldiers.

While Netanyahu’s ambitions for territorial control intensify, it’s essential to recognize that this could lead to a humanitarian catastrophe. On the global stage, Iran and Russia may view this as an opportunity to exploit divisions, potentially involving the USA in a regional conflict. Such a scenario could jeopardize the years of progress made towards normalization between Saudi Arabia and Israel and, in turn, endanger the IMEC project.

Trade wars are not a new phenomenon, the prospect of bloody trade wars is a concerning new development we may encounter in the coming decades. The rivalry between INSTC and IMEC is set to dominate headlines for years to come as nations fiercely compete for regional dominance and safeguard their interests.

India, in particular, has a significant stake in the success of these corridors. It would be unfortunate for India if both of these initiatives were to falter. However, India’s neighbour and economic powerhouse, China, would find some satisfaction in such a scenario, especially if it pertains to IMEC. China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has already faced setbacks, with several projects encountering difficulties in countries like Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and elsewhere.

Cold War 2.0 (Rabobank)

Geopolitical dynamics are evolving at a rapid pace in our world today. We find ourselves in what some term as Cold War 2.0, with China emerging as the new equivalent to the USSR, while the USA retains its position as a formidable global player, akin to its role in the original Cold War. Both nations seek dominance on the world stage, and this pursuit is likely to present significant challenges for the international community in the years ahead. INSTC vs IMEC is just an example of such an issue.

As we continue to monitor the developments in the Israel-Palestine conflict, it’s essential to take a moment to reflect on the importance of peace for our global community. Trade has the potential to flourish without armed conflicts, and it’s vital that humanity’s well-being remains uncompromised. The coming decade promises to be the most eventful of the 21st century, and it’s my hope that this discussion has provided you with a deeper understanding of the intricate nature of geopolitics, which nations adeptly manipulate. Until then, let’s hope for a world that remains as peaceful as it can be.

Biden is slipping, and so is Russia to China

Donald Trump was defeated in US Presidential elections in 2020 and it does not stop the chaos which started with the pandemic from Wuhan, a new US President ‘Joe Biden’ came to the power with different strategies from Trump. Being a Democratic Leader, Biden pledged to bring more confidence to the United State’s allies and strategic partners. But 2021 did not start as he wanted and he eventually failed in many aspects, doing blunders. One of his blunders which I chose not to discuss in this article is Afghanistan Crisis.

Okay, so let’s get into the topic, we are now in Cold War 2.0 and on one side there is still the USA with its allies but on the other side, no USSR. Though Russia is a successor of the USSR, I don’t think Russia is the opposite power to the USA. Yeah, Russia is still militarily capable to dominate and looking at its nuclear stockpiles but not economically, and there we see a new power emerging, both economically and militarily powerful with nukes, the People’s Republic of China. China being just below the USA in the world’s largest economies in terms of nominal GDP, the Cold War 2.0 is on already. 

Putin is still in the game and does not want the world to see that Russia is aging. Here I must admit, I edited this article because Russia invaded Ukraine before I could complete this drafting, but one must consider what Putin still believes and that is “the greatest geopolitical tragedy of 20th century is fall of the USSR”. The Crimea annexation in 2014, the Russo-Georgian war in 2008 brought recognition of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, which interestingly was before the Beijing Summer Olympics of 2008. And in 2022 after Winter Olympics in Beijing concluded, Russia again attacked Ukraine on Feb 24th, a fully-fledged attack, and not just in the regions of LPR and DPR, in a surprise to siege Kyiv. 

Photo Credit – Reuters

The USA and its allies, NATO and EU countries, responded with hard sanctions on Russia, economically breaking the largest country in the world, which was already suffering in terms of its economy before and after the Pandemic. China in no way agreeing to put any sanctions on Russia, giving Russia significant confidence that it is not alone. Not only China, but countries like India, Brazil, most of the Middle East, African and Latin American countries was not hard on Russia, dividing the world order into two parts. Who is responsible for this invasion of Ukraine? Greedy dictator says the western world. NATO eastward expansion is the greed of whom? Different people have different opinions, you decide on it. So, one can easily see, Russia is not left alone, and China is leading the way.

Biden came in power to accuse Putin and make Americans think, it is still Russia, who is the enemy, which wanted Trump to win as he was soft on Putin. I remember one instance in 2021, where Biden said Putin is a “killer” and Putin responded to it as “it takes one to know one”. And after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Biden gained some popularity, that is not the case with his rating. Failed in COVID-19 management as he promised, failed in Afghanistan, failed with his policies in the Middle East, failed in maintaining good ties with France because of AUKUS, failed in accusing China strongly on Uighurs and Taiwan issues, and many more foreign policy failures.

Source – From “fivethirtyeight” shows Biden’s approval rating over the course of time.

In the poll above, I highlighted a date, August 16th, when the Taliban captured Afghanistan, Biden’s approval went below 50% for the first time. So I justified the article heading, Biden is slipping, but there is hope always, right? The hope for Biden lies with Iran. If he and his administration can find anyways to restore Iran Nuclear Deal, that would save him and many countries from high inflated oil prices, especially developing economies, which are soaring because of the hard sanctions on Russia over its invasion of Ukraine. 

Now, how Russia is slipping towards China, this started years ago, back in 2010, when China became the largest single trade partner, EU still accounts double than that of China in trade in 2019. Since, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the EU pledged to narrow its trade with Russia, however heavily relied on Russian gas and oil. The narrower EU trade gets with Russia, its trade will deepen more with China, where Xi and Putin set a goal of bilateral trade of USD 200 billion by 2024. China and Russia both are against Indo-Pacific and stress on Asia-Pacific. China needs the help of Russia in the South China Sea and Central Asian markets. When many countries like the USA, the UK, Australia, Taiwan, India diplomatically boycotted Beijing Winter Olympics in 2022, Putin visited China in support of it and met with Xi. Neither Putin nor Xi attended the G20 summit in Rome 2021 where many leaders first time met as persons after the Pandemic. 

Photo Credits – Socialpost

When VISA and Mastercard opted out of Russia and removed some of the Russian banks from SWIFT, China’s UnionPay comes into the picture as Russian banks consider switching to it.
The USA has warned China, not to help Russia and if they do so, it would mean sanctions for them as well. China is willing to take risks? Sanctions on China would mean a complete hammer on the global supplies chain, which won’t end well for the USA and west and China knows it. China and the USA trade war started with Trump in power, which eventually failed as he left. It is quite visible Biden is soft towards Chinese aggression with the Taiwan issue and Xinjiang Muslims.
With the West wanting to keep Russia out of every picture and to be excluded from G20 just like the former G8, China came first to support Russia, yet again.

So are we leading to a New World Order? I will say, Yes. It all started with the COVID-19 Pandemic continuing with the 2020 USA Presidential elections and now with the Russian invasion of Ukraine. While two years still remains for Biden in office, it’s not sure if he will return in 2024. With Russia becoming more dependent on China for its economy and survival as the sanctions get harder. This will make China becoming even stronger than before and a potential threat to the USA and its hegemony. Thucydides’s Trap, termed by an American political scientist Graham T. Allison, where an emerging power (China) threatens to replace an existing power (USA) leading to a possible war. Will China and the USA escape Thucydides’s Trap? For now, it looks unlikely, but hope, Cold War 2.0 remains cold, if the current war over Ukraine does not turn hot

The time of testing for the ‘Strategic Partners’ has come. Xi and Putin are together for whatever may come, but until when? Future will answer.

It was a LAB LEAK? ~ The Pandemic Puzzle

As I choose to write on the mysterious question and I know there are many articles about it still I choose because this affected probably all of our lives. Yes, all our lives, where ever you are reading this on this very planet. Before 2020, life was normal and we never had any idea of what even a “Pandemic” means. Now, our lives have completely changed, being in masks, quarantining, facing lockdowns, getting vaccinated and loosing our beloved ones. W.H.O. is responsible for it? Let’s get straight to the question, “Was it a Lab Leak?”

Question is which lab? What is the leak in it? Where does it all come from? Someone responsible for this tragedy or just a natural?

Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), Wuhan

Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), in Wuhan, China, is one of the active research centers for the study of Coronaviruses in the world. Wuhan, was the epicenter of Covid-19 in 2020, from where it all began. So until 2021, Covid-19 was believed to have come from an animal (maybe a Pangolin) through bats. Therefore, it was believed that the Pandemic started from Huanan Seafood Market, a wet market, which is also some kilometers away from WIV in Wuhan. But since no evidence yet on how the virus jumped from bats to an animal and then to humans, a 2020 fact converted to 2021 hypothesis. Scientists are now getting into second hypothesis, “Did it come from that lab?”. Yeah, the same scientists which were accusing Trump before 2020 elections that he is saying ‘Chinese Virus’ just to win the elections.

So, Now we have in front of us two hypothesis, either it was natural (jumping from bats to humans) or it came from Wuhan lab. Before Biden came into power in the USA, Trump and his administration always accused that virus came from China and possibly they leaked it or by mistake. Biden, after international pressure, sets up an investigation and wanted a report in 90 days, which failed to find anything conclusive. China, however, denies all these accusations and say it is a groundless lie. World Health Organization (WHO), and I may say a new proxy organization of the Communist China, set up an investigation to find out the same, China as usual did not co-operate and made it difficult for the scientists to gather any evidence. WHO findings claimed that possibility of lab leak is ‘extremely unlikely’ but after more international pressure, WHO Director said setting up for a 2nd investigation as previous was not extensive enough.

Now, here comes the interesting fact, Shi Zhengli aka Batwoman, is a top researcher in WIV, who studies on Coronaviruses, gathering samples from bat caves and studying them in WIV. WIV have the largest samples of Coronaviruses. When Wuhan had the outbreak and Shi heard about it, she was in Shanghai that time, immediately headed towards Wuhan, having one question in her mind, “Could they have come from our lab?”. She then studied all the data in WIV and confirmed the world that all the samples in her lab doesn’t match the COVID-19 virus, and the world believed this ‘One Woman’.

Also, question would be why they are collecting virus samples and moreover making them more infectious to humans? This is called Gain-of-Functions. In simple words, a type of research that makes a microorganism genetically more transmissible and infectious to make infect hosts (generally humans) more easily. Then scientists can already know before what harm a virus can do and make a drug/vaccine against it before it turns into a endemic/pandemic. So this type of research is practiced in only 3 labs in the world, it needs a BSL-4 (highest secure labs) for such research. While 2 of the labs are in USA, one is in China, yes, WIV. In 2018, some US diplomats reported to Washington that WIV safety standard are not as good and it was ignored by them.

 Dr. Li Wenliang, the Chinese doctor which warned the first about the outbreak in Wuhan, died days later of the same, after police silenced him and deleted all his account posts in Chinese social media. But, during in an interview before his death, “If the officials had disclosed information about the epidemic earlier, I think it would have been a lot better. There should be more openness and transparency”. He also told he was aware about this in the late December. Wuhan, came on lockdown on 23rd January, and WHO, believing China so much posted this on Twitter on 14th January.

WHO official twitter handle

WHO investigation I talked about for a possible lab leak where they sent a team of scientists to Wuhan, leader of the team was Peter Daszak, a zoologist, which even from the initial days said, there is ZERO evidence of a possible lab leak. Yes, before even we knew anything what even Coronavirus or Pandemic means. And the reason why is he stating that? Answer is his investments in WIV lab, also to mention this from ‘’, “Daszak has co-authored nearly a dozen papers with Shi Zhengli, and funnelled at least $600,000 of U.S. government funding to her research.” I guess no wonders why he wants to call it wasn’t a lab leak, just from starting.

It is almost the last quarter of 2021, still we have NO answers of how this Pandemic started, and how will it end. China, definitely needs to answer many of the questions for the greater good, not just continue to hide the truth and silence people like Dr. Li and should not be repeating what it did in 1989, the Tiananmen Square Massacre.

WHO, on the other hand, doesn’t have much authority on the greater economic powers as it needs funds. It needs more reforms and must pressure countries in case if they are hiding with better investigation in the future to avoid such Pandemic.

By Worldometers as on 20/10/2021

I would ask you to decide whether it was a ‘lab leak’ or just natural (like most of the pandemics) and merely a coincidence that Wuhan became the victim of it. We might NEVER know how this Pandemic started and changed all our lives. Lets pray for the loss of lives of the people and the dear ones we lost. This Pandemic will be a Puzzle and that is the Truth.

The Genocide World Forgot…

So, I finally thought of writing. 2020 about to end, and things have changed for most of us. We were never prepared for a Pandemic in this fast-moving ‘Cyberpunk’ world, but Mother Nature had different plans for us.

I was confused with what to start, but as mentioned it’s 2020, chaos is everywhere. I was watching this movie starring Christian Bale, Oscar Isaac, ‘The Promise’, I knew what to begin with.

There’s a small country in Asia and close to Europe, ‘Armenia’. First Christian nation of the world. It’s neighbors on both east and west side (Azerbaijan and Turkey), don’t share good relations, say pretty bad in the world.

Recently, there was a 44-day war between Armenia and Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh (disputed land between the two), which resulted in heavy losses for Armenians and eventually they lost. I won’t go to this topic but the topic I am taking here belongs to Armenia and Armenians.

Wer redet heute noch von der Vernichtung der Armenier?” (In German)

This is one of the Adolf Hilter’s speech part from Obersalzberg which translates to “Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?”. This was in reference to the Genocide we all forgot. We all know ‘The Holocaust‘ and pledged that we would never let that happen in any part of the world again. Should have we pledged before? Maybe we could have prevented the ‘The Holocaust’ too.

It all started during the Ottoman Empire in 1900s, when Ottomans thought it is the time for them to lead the world and more Islamic nations around them, uniting with all of their Turks brothers around the world, what is better known as Pan-Turkism. But there was a problem which they thought would be against them in future and they should better silence them before anyone raises a question. Yes, the Armenians, the minorities they wanted to get rid off. Armenians with other minorities in the Ottoman Empire was already exploited, they gave double taxes yet was not getting quality life. Question of Armenians to Ottomans came after the Treaty of Berlin, 1878. Ottomans were worried of losing and giving land to various minorities including Armenians. Now Armenians were threat to them and to their dream of Pan-Turkism, which was the ideology of then ruler, Sultan Abdul Hamid II, moreover Armenians were not the only target, Assyrians and Greeks too.

1908, ‘Young Turks’ came and over-throwed Sultan Abdul, ending his reign. Though the seed of Pan-Turkism was sown, and it just got better with the ‘Young Turks’, a constitutional government rather like previous monarchies in the Empire.

1914, and the First World War begin. The Ottomans at first hesitated to enter war and to support Germans, later they finally agreed and entered the WWI with Germans. There were several theatres Ottomans were fighting, one of them was in the Transcaucasia. It was a fight between Russians and Ottomans. The non-Ottomans Armenians in Russian Armenia were good fighters and gave heavy resistance to the Ottomans. Armenians also supported Russians during the war, another reason why Ottomans hated Armenians.

Ottomans knew this was the perfect time to mass murders Armenians in their soil, when the world is at war and no one will question them. Also, they can excuse this genocide by calling or accusing these Armenians as traitors, being anti-nationals and supporting enemies in the war.

1915, the official year where it began but it was going on before several decades. Millions of people were killed for no reason (estimated 1.5 million Armenians), thousands were turned slaves, women were raped and killed including children, thousands fled to neighboring countries. For Ottomans it was a matter of pride. They did not stop here, declared a war on Armenians, the Turkish-Armenian War of 1920, where the weakened Armenians lost and ceded almost their 50% land area (Western Armenia) and also ceded the land which they gained in Treaty of Sèvres.

Armenian Massacre

So much have happened and most of the incidents can still be traced through history. Yet, World has failed to recognize this horrific event of history. Only some countries recognize this as of now, which is one of the first and most horrific Genocide of 20th century and in mankind.

I felt pain reading and writing about this. This is my first writeup, and I think I did some justice to it. However, people all over world face some atrocities against them still now. It happened, is happening and will happen. And how can we stop all this?

Just not to be silence and see the wrong. Speak!